Monday 30 September 2013


It's good to release everything out, you'd feel much better =) Lol, sometimes I felt so useless because all I did was just listen, listen and listen. I don't really know how to comfort people, perhaps it's because I couldn't relate myself in their situations and I seldom asked them abt their problems unless they wanted to tell me. Oh well, I think they felt the same so I would only become a listener once in a blue moon.

Am I a good listener? Idk. I have no idea. I tend to add my opinion in the midst of the conversation, not sure whether others like it or not (I doubt so xp), the words come out almost naturally lol. For those who willingly share their feelings with me, I am very grateful, it's like I'm so trustworthy that they are able to pour everything out. Thank you.

I hope I've made u felt better. 

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