Friday 27 April 2012


  很快的,明天就是生活营了,有点难以置信。 哈哈, 很期待!准备的过程当中,还算一帆风顺。偶尔意见分歧是难免的,最重要的是结论和结果都一致。至于它会不会影响感情,那就因人而异了。

  总觉得,世界上真的有很多种人,是不是因为这样生活才会过的更精彩?有些人的性格直率,从脸上就看得出他的心情。有些人则不把心情表达出来,很难猜出他在想什么。 我应该是后者吧。我目前为止没有很讨厌的人,也许不怎么有好感,但不会一看到就 表现出厌恶的神情。重点是,我认为不同的人有不同的性格。



Wednesday 11 April 2012


I watched Titanic. =)

The impact after I fin watching Titanic was overwhelming. I couldn't stop thinking about it. The movie started at 11.30a.m. until 3 something. Quite long eh? haha, it's worth it, trust me. I watched the last part when I was young, in grandma's hse. This 3D Titanic was way better than that. The sound effect, the illusion...haaah <3 I could imagine myself in the movie though. xp The love story between Jack and Rose is a classic. Now and forever it would be. The way James Cameron tells story is extraordinary, well done director! My heart will go on=')

I wish they were together...='( If Jack survived.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Scent of A Woman

Finally fin watching 'Scent of A Woman' (it's a korean drama for your information). This drama is a little bit different from those dramas which only focused on love, very motivating, touching and meaningful. I'd actually learnt something from treasure my time, not knowing what would happen to me and just appreciate my 'today'=)No wonder the main characters got top excellent award in SBS Drama Award 2011. Highly recommended.

I've been busy lately, with all kinds of stuffs. This is my last year in SAB, whether to enjoy it or not, it's all up to me. I wanna have good memories before I leave, so yeah, I guessed I've to create the good times myself. My last year already, I duwanna have any regrets after I graduate. I love my primary school, it's part of my life, same goes to SAB (I hope so, lol). Time flies, like seriously. Despite all the problems I face in school, I try to sort things out from different perspective and in a more positive way, To define a good/bad day is really subjective, it depends on how you see it. So, I've decide to treat everyday like there's no tomorrow.
Live happily=D

I’ll just live for today. For this moment, this day. That’s enough. Without regrets.
Scent of a Woman