Wednesday 20 June 2012


我对你们的事,可以说是睁一只眼,闭一只眼了。不对,应该说,我把自己当成瞎了。想到了你的立场,不跟我说的原因,反省一下自己的所作所为。所以我就算很想知道,最近,也都不闻不问了。现在,你还要我当哑巴? 随你便。我到要看你是否要我全身残障才肯罢休。先提醒你,你再这样下去,会失去很多朋友。=)


你,别再伤心了好吗?=)过了就算了,那种不甘心,让它快快过吧。每次看到你沉默,我们的心情也好不到哪里去。最后一年了,最后几个月了,开心地过吧。人生还有更多不如意的事呢,而且应该会随着年龄增长而更加严重吧。刚刚回来的时候,看到你,笑得很灿烂。Taemida =) 就算是装出来的,我也很欣慰了。谢啦 XD


  PBSM Camp, my last camp in SAB, thank you for those who participated, I had a great time =)

 To Ajks:
 sorry if I've done anything wrong. 
Shi Ern: Seungri-ssi...You did a great job, it's time for you to rest=) 
Fong: Jom pergi tengok ombak! XD I miss the beach la adui =(
Su Jane: Thanks for all the activities you've planned. Dum dum ji ji, tuki tuki tuki tuki =D
Baya: Eh, I dah bayar tau!!! haha, Kungfu pandaaaaaa ^^ I love that seriously XD
Yuen Zhan: -____- YOU.DID.LOTSA.EPIC.ACTIONS...and I enjoyed watching'em all XD
Vinrea: Haha, thank you for confirming my tag requests! xP I know I tagged alot hehe
Wei Ming: Thank you for helping us out! Oh, how's ur injuries? O.O
Abdan: The OBH thing, thank you yah, for all the props and the storylines =)

To members: 
Thank you for joining this camp, it was a pleasure to know you all!!! XD Hope you guys had fun! lol, do support PBSM and who knows, you might become one of the ajks in the future =) 


HOI!!!!!!! XD