Friday 18 December 2015


原本说好两点到他们宿舍,结果大家都迟起床,这就是睡到自然醒的后果啊啊啊。。真爽 XD
我和Ice两点半到,nicole 也刚煮好,YAY! 告诉你Nicole的厨艺不是盖的,也很有家的味道!


谢谢Nicole!!!T.T 你未来肯定是个好妈妈
 在Nicole和Denise 的宿舍赖到七点。期间我继续看YongPal,到时间就和 Pei Ying 吃晚餐。怎么感觉自己一直在吃啊lol
谢谢Pei Ying! 


 Pei Ying 送我和 Ice 这可爱的礼物,我很喜欢=)说是要感谢我们让她在考试期间暂住。不用谢啦,你当初还不认识我们却肯帮我们看家,真是感激不尽。

Merry Christmas!



星期一考 anatomy,我还蛮喜欢的一科,只是这真的是要靠运气来决定你的成绩啊。考官好的话不管你几差都可以给你 A,问题是我从来没在考试时拿到那个考官 T.T 不好的话就会问你很难的题目,不会也没怎样啦。。。最多赏你个“你白痴啊”的表情。目前为止我还算蛮幸运的,虽然没拿过最有慈悲心的那位,但也没拿过全年级都怕的那位。我是最早的一批,9.30 a.m. 就完了。真庆幸自己星期一考完,有些人星期四才考,早完早玩啊 =P

当时的自己简直是一路笑着蹦蹦跳跳地回家哈哈哈。回家立刻打电话给父母,家里没人在啊(Ice 出门考试了)一定得找人分享我的喜悦。不是考得好,而是考完了哈哈哈哈。然后整理房间,终于可以见人了 XD 

午餐时和宝莹(PLKN) 的朋友见面,他叫俊豪。话说这是第一次看他本人啊每次聊天都是用面子书。当时宝莹知道我要去爱尔兰,就介绍他给我认识。他和他的外甥一起来,吃饭过程中还蛮尴尬的,因为不熟嘛。顺带一提,他们带我去吃中餐耶!!!点心!!那间店很靠近我学校可是我竟然不知道它的存在LOL。。。那里虽小,可是装潢得跟酒楼一样啊。。。他外甥偷偷付了钱时脸真的都不知该往哪放了 真的很不好意思。。。/.\ 我很久没吃点心了,谢谢二位!

尴尬归尴尬,我们聊了整两个小时哈哈。过后我们一去Asian Market。他们买他们的,我去那里和 Nicole 他们meet up。Addy要煮 vegetarian curry 给我们,所以买完材料就去我家啦。Pei Ying 不久后就回来拿她的东西,Winner 和 Wai Kay 一起来帮忙,他们3rd Med 的也是同一天考完。有点舍不得啊,明明已经习惯有她在的日子了。。。下次去PMC 找你们 =D 

Senior 们,感谢你们的帮忙啊。

好热闹 XD


Ice 点缀的哈哈哈 

Senior 们回去后,我们搬桌椅啊,set table 啊就开始用餐了。 饭后有冰淇淋,也看了一部戏 《We Are The Millers》 还不错,大家都赖在沙发上不想动哈哈哈。他们差不多十一点回宿舍,全部又习惯性地熬夜到凌晨(说好的睡觉呢),第二天轮到我们去他们的宿舍啦。

Saturday 12 December 2015

Merry Christmas in Advance! XD

Told Qiu that I was gonna update my blog AFTER exam.
But this is too cute.
I kenot. 

Monday 9 November 2015


Sad to say, but yeah... I lost my phone =(  I'm gonna talk abt it later in this post.

Soooo, went to the Connemara trip organised by climbing club from 6th to 8th Nov. It was a 4 hours journey (by bus approx 40 ppl) when we arrived it's almost 11pm. Pls allow me to curi pic from others/google.

Its kinda spooky at night coz it's pitch dark and all u can hear was dog barking.
A lot a puddles too so my shoe kena abit right after I stepped off the bus

Huh  lemme show u the interior

living room 


the other side of kitchen

dining room

bathroom (ladies)


I was in room 5, which consists of 6 beds. Shared room with Sarah, Niamh, Manisha, Nicholas and E Chin. Well I thought they're gonna have diff dorms for girls and guys at first but yeah. Those that went to the trip andddddd that I'm kinda close with were allllll guys, none of the girls went coz quiz is this Wednesday (yolo). Nic and E Chin are so adorable awwwwww, I feel so sweet seeing them together :3
 6 of us are all in first year and Nic's the only guy. 

OK so we woke up at 7.30 am the next day. Had our breakfast. 9am jiu start the most important part of this trip.
Our aim was to climb the mountain behind the hostel. As u can see, it's foggy up there

There's a lake opposite our hostel, it's a crucial landmark, you'll know why

James (the captain) said its gonna take arrd 7 hours for the whole journey. Jong, Kok Han, and Vincent were the first few who gave up. I think Kok Han regretted after that. I guessed it's because the seniors said once we're on the first peak, there's no turning back. 

Anyway we later split into 2 groups, Group 1 and Group 2. All the geng chau ppl are in group 1 coz they're like so fast hahah seniors jiu shi seniors but there're juniors too la just not many. I was in group 2, the slower group, mostly juniors lol. We rested awhile when we're at half the mountain. Group 1 went up first, 5 mins later baru group 2.

I have to admit the starting part was tough for me. I'm bad at inclined surface. Almost ran out of breathe but luckily I made it. When we reached the foggy part there's a significant diff in temperature and the view. No more grass, but rocks. 

macam ini

I was expecting a group pic tho but the first group were so fast that we lost them once we split lol.
Nobody cares for a group photo T.T so sad. The top part of the mountain was actually easier. It's rocky but not as steep hahah. So we walked from one peak to another, 3 peaks in total hahah. We saw a mountain sheep on our way up and it's moving so effortlessly that we felt insulted lol.Suddenly I just wanna become a mountain sheep and get rid of this place. at the 3rd peak. We couldn't find anyway out. It was so steep. And the fog actually made it worse coz we couldn't see a thing. It's more like a cliff than a mountain. Eva and Megan ( our leaders) asked us to wait there and started to survey diff possible paths. We were strangled for an hour. Sibeh cold since we stopped moving. Oh and we were cautious at first for not dirtying our shoes and stuff, but after awhile we just didn't care anymore. Basically you can say I crawled up all the way. 

After making a few tryouts arrd the 3rd peak, Eva finally found a route. Less steep if compared with others....but still FUCKING DANGEROUS lol. I took a pic of it oh well, guess I have to describe then. It's like a freaking small lane, wide enough for one person. All of us had to squat down and walk in a super duper slow pace coz one we fall, thats it. We were leaning towards our left, trying to stay as near as possible to the mountain. On our right, we can't see anything, thanks to the fog. This was not the scariest part.

There's one point, where we had to move horizontally across the rocks. I would say the inclination was abt 60 degrees. Worst part, the rocks are those small rocks that doesn't stick to the soil. As big as a head. Everyone must focus lol. Niamh was in front of me and we both admitted later on that we're laughing and crying at the same time. 哭笑不得 ah. Laughing coz we kinda wanna pretend that it's not as scary as we thought but in reality it was really horrible. This is not hiking, not even close. It's literally climbing, rock climbing wtf. Now I know why the seniors are so good, they're so used to rock climbing which I only attended once. Niveta was behind me and she stepped on a rock which was so unstable that it fell. Life and death situation omg. The fog seriously made it worse coz we just couldn't see anything below us. Thank God  all of us made it, Niveta was like : After this, I'm gonna tell my parents how much I love them etc. What kept us moving was simply because: we don't wanna stay up there.

Varman said we're like in Game of Thrones but since I didn't watch it, I feel more like the Hobbits in Lord of the Rings lol

After that stage we started to see grass, felt much relieved haha. We were so worn out that we decided to slide down the small rocks, not the steep and dangerous one, but on a less steep surface. I guess this was where I dropped my phone, I went back up to find it but the sky was getting dark so I had to stop searching. There's a big groove between 2 mountains and a river along the groove. Thanks to geography and common sense, we followed the river. Eva kinda know where the hostel is but don't know the exact place. The map sucks. 

We walked along the river for more than 2 hours, doesn't seem as far from top but yeah. We weren't afraid anymore since it's like a flatter surface with grass and sheep and river. It's very slippery so I fell down a few times, don't really care anymore coz I just wanna go back in one piece. Muddy too hahah my shoes and socks were soaked. 

So yeah the sky was getting dark and we're nearer to our hostel. That's when the lake opposite our hostel was crucial. We basically just walk blindly towards the lake. Had to cross over 2 fences that gates the sheep. Passed through trees when we're getting close and eventually found our hostel. 

That overwhelmed moment when we know we're safe and sound. T.T So glad that I'm alive. The first group actually split again, lets call them group A and B. Group A made into 4 peaks, which is the 2nd mountain de 1st peak jiu wanna come down le, but Group B (captain and the geng chau ppl) actually continued until they finished the last 2, so 6 peaks in total. Group A came home an hour earlier than us and they kinda use the same path which was the river one ( only one valley ma hahah) while group B reached an hour later than us but it was very impressive considering they did 6 peaks. 

I went to the guys room (Jong, Kok Han, Vincent and Kong) to tell them abt my 'adventure', Kong was in the first group A, and he's like 'wtf it's fcuking dangerous, they didn't even do headcount'. The other 3 was those that gave up earlier so they couldn't really share the happiness of us staying alive hahaha. From 9am to 5.30 pm....what a long journey haaaah
this is our journey haha . 3 peaks XD good enough

Anyway, hp aside, I had a great chat in their room. We brought our lecture notes along ahaha (yolo) 
Chillin in there instead of the drinking party in the kitchen and the music session in the living room. Stayed there till 12am before I head to sleep =)

Told mom and dad that I lost my hp, both of them told me that as long as I'm safe thats enough...which is nice =) 
After this I kinda appreciate life a little more, Hp really is a small matter when I see this in a bigger picture.
Thank God, I'm alive. 

Wednesday 7 October 2015


Do you guys still rmb the kim soo hyun wallpaper?

I changed it ;) quite sometime ago, it's like during the first week in Ireland? 

My home screen :) kitty from siblings hahaha 

And I finished my Disney puzzle the day before I fly off haha XDDD procastinated too much so had to rush in the end 

Dat satisfaction :)

New lock screen xD

Monday 28 September 2015

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

The last time this (supermoon) coincided with a lunar eclipse, when the moon is covered by the Earth's shadow, was in 1982 and the event will not be repeated until 2033.


Kay Vin told me abt this Supermoon thing when we were having our mooncake festival gathering dinner. Well at first I wanted to ignore de coz I was very sleepy after the Chinese buffet -.- yes pig I know hahaha. Took a nap for abt 45 mins then woke up at 1am to check on the moon. Ntg happen and I had to go back and prepare more (wear more layers, take study material, make hot ginger tea in thermos flask and I'm good to go xD ) I couldn't see moon from my apt so I had to go outside to the front garden of my apt. 
Can't use iPhone to take pic -.- luckily Kay Vin sent me some so I'm gonna steal his pic HAHAHAHAH 

Isn't it pretty :) big and round. Full moon 

U can see slight shadow at the top left.

A clearer one x)

Haaaaah this process was pretty slow so I managed to study abit lolol. With the laptop like a boss. Satu orang syok sendiri sitting on a bench picnic kat garden. 

Almossssst thereeee

Lol I was super excited when it's slowly becoming visible. 

Most part are covered now so it's time to turn red :3


Jun Hao told me that it's called 血月 in Chinese. I was outside for abt 1 and a half hour. Getting colder every second hahahaha.

I feel so shuang after this idky, it's my first time seeing and the long wait was TOTALLY WORTH IT! The Supermoon that I saw with my bare eyes was actually way beautiful than in the photo, magnificent is the word :) haaaah <3 

Kk time to sleep if not Monday blue tmr. Nights!