Friday 8 December 2017


Final 这个礼拜开始了。目前考的两张不是很理想,尤其是昨天的,我觉得我会fail。这次的时间表安排得很奇怪,时间很紧凑,一个科目考了相隔一天就到另一个科目。Chuan 考第二科那天早上出现幻觉 (他两天内只睡两个小时),读医科的人其实很不健康。 考场不知为什么在别间学校,还好学校有提供shuttle bus。 

昨天一考完后就有gg 的感觉, 怎么出这么多细胞照片,一大堆紫色和粉红色,看起来都一样啊。写的那张我的diagnosis 错了,所以接下来的问题也错了,怎么治疗啊,有什么complication啊。。。注定 summer 重考了 。。。唉 T.T。在巴士上的心情很不好,又晕车,真是闷啊。

回到学校就和几个女生去吃午餐,发现爸爸早上的missed call就打给他。原来他是要祝我考试顺利,心里暖了一下。和爸爸说了很有可能会重考这件事,也说了自己考得很差。“it's okay,as long as you did your best. 你要记得,爸爸很疼妳的。” 这句话好温暖。我一考完有在whatsapp 和家人报备一下,不久后就收到妈妈的reply: “算了吧,让俺去学几道菜帮你压压惊,补补神”。 真的心情舒缓了很多,因为感受到了满满的爱吧。

不知道是不是知道要回家了,最近挺想家的。和家人skype 的次数在考试期间多了很多,对我来说很好的解压方式。回想起final前一天自己很不争气的哭了,因为觉得怎么读也不记得。其实昨天的考试更应该哭吧哈哈,反而情绪方面没有很大的波澜。真的要感谢智浩的陪伴,虽然不是天天见面,不过精神上的支持他帮了很多,当然我馋嘴的时候他也帮了大忙哈哈。家人的关怀也是,每次都有被爱的感觉,整天说些戳中我泪腺的话,心里暖暖的。

最后两张是在下个礼拜,也是相隔一天。不过还好有几天的gap来读书,大家昨天考完都睡觉去了,我很难得的睡了十个小时,睡眠是很奢侈的。要好好加油了,重考的话一科就够了 :P
要回家了,好兴奋  :)

Monday 13 November 2017

Dr Sattar

I had a scrub group last Thursday and it kinda clashed with my lecture. Luckily it ended early so I was able to attend the last 15 mins of surgery lecture abt head injury, our first lecture with Dr Sattar.

This old man has long, white beard prob near retiring age. To my surprise, his lecture was so good that it got me hooked within that 15 mins, the only lecturer after Prof Leader whom I actually like the way they teach. Anyway, I told Addy abt my pleasant discovery and he asked me to search his name on Google.

I did. Thank goodness I did it after some revision.

Apparently, Dr Sattar lost his entire family (wife and 3 children arrd me n my sibling's age) due to arson attack 4 years ago. 8 teenagers (yup, oldest 24 youngest 17) wanna seek revenge for their buddy who got killed hours before the attack BUT THEY FOUND THE WRONG HOUSE.

It happened in Leicester at midnight coz the children studied there and the father was in Dublin, still working in the hospital (he's a neurosurgeon btw) when they informed him abt the tragedy.

I was stoned when I saw the news, couldn't imagine that happened to him. I started stalking all the news that were related to this case. He's a devoted Muslim (good one) and was quite popular among the local community. During the funeral he said "I am not angry, yes my heart is broken. I cried a few times today carrying the coffins of my family (but) I am going to continue the work my wife and my children have left for me." Since then, he dedicated his life to our hospital and his religion. 

I was beyond impressed at how strong his mentality must be to be able to endure and move on after such tragedy in 4 years time. However, the part that got me really upset was the comment section below. Random people with racist comments saying that he deserved it coz he's a Muslim etc, worse still, those were the comments that got many likes.  I had adrenaline rush reading those comments and totally lost my study mood. 

lol I spammed Addy's messenger for almost an hour after that to release my anger. 谁叫他跟我讲 :P Anyway,  I respect Dr Sattar even more after knowing his story. Will defo go to all of  his lectures from now on.  

Thursday 2 November 2017




最近终于搞掂了明年的 research elective, 在新加坡。下学期我们会有三个 block: 1 research + 2 rotations。 因为天时地利人和的关系,第一个 block拿research 是最明智的选择,所以我争取了block 1。8th Jan - 16th Feb 在 SGH,19 号之前必须回到爱尔兰。新加坡那边超麻烦的application真的给了我不少麻烦,不过为了回家和短暂的新年,再苦也值得。

学生会的事除了开学前几个礼拜和一些活动之外基本上就没那么忙了。 上个礼拜才参加了PMCSA game,我打篮排羽。 这是RCSI和UCD的“友谊赛”。在这比赛之前练了一个多月的篮球和排球,羽球就照平时club training。羽球对到了新加坡国手,结果我就不多说哈哈,至少其他人都赢了 4-1 羽球那边我方获胜。排球包括我在内,大多数都是菜鸟,结果也可想而知,不过很好玩。篮球是我练得最开心的,有种完成to-do-list 的感觉吧。想当年看slam dunk 的自己,一直都很想学篮球的说。比赛我们赢了,30-29,好险,那时激动的心情挺感动的。


有点奇葩,但我回来上了一个礼拜课(听说不能skip)后,又飞回去for我的 research。
现在是一有机会就想回家,可能上次回不够,回去了又忙,没好好享受。加上明年夏天大概不会回去了,因为要准备一个额外的考试叫USMLE。 为了让自己以后有更多的选择吧,这考试除非fail了才能重考,啊不然要等七年才能刷新record。这次夏天很多senior 都是因为这考试而没回去,明年就到我了哈哈。



Friday 16 June 2017

Princess Agents

So I just told Qiu how much I wanna watch this Mainland drama. Unfortunately it's still ongoing.

I hate waiting but this time I might just give it a go coz it looks really interesting and the title itself already attracts me.

I'm not sure if I can handle the wait but I wanna try how it feels like to watch a drama ending first-hand without all the spoilers. It's been a long time since I watch an ongoing series lmao (and a Chinese one). sou sou long.

Here's the MV if anyone is interested ;)

Saturday 10 June 2017

Staying alone

ZH flew back to Malaysia this morning with his hsemates, probably landing soon. memisshome
Ice passed her exam yayyy haha I'm so happy for her. (waiting for my result, fingers crossed)
Since she's in Thailand and Zh is not here, I'm gonna stay alone till I fly back haha.
I realised I've never actually lived alone here apart from the first week when I first came to Dublin. 
I was the one who always left Ice alone, my bad.
Research Summer School (RSS) Program started this week, super glad that I'm not working in Beaumont. I've had enough travelling there last semester, not gonna go there again during summer break lmao.
Pretty happy that 3 of us (frank, fletch, me) are working under the same professor, Dr Sam Anya.
We were supposed to do data analysis for malaria in West Africa but prof wanted us to understand malaria better before we actually analyse the data. He gave us one week to write a 10 pg essay and a powerpoint presentation. (sibeh happy sial no need to go office everyday)
"I want you to learn, I don't want you to just do your job and learn nothing from me. Quality is better than quantity." - Dr Sam Anya.
For the past few days, I've been deep cleaning the house, beh tahan the dust lol.
Now that the house is clean, I'm gonna start experimenting different dishes becauseimtoofree.
Made kimchi tgt with zh few days ago (our 2nd batch, 1st batch was last week at zh's place) and it fermented beautifully :') 
The milk in my fridge is gonna expire soon so I made condensed milk today haha.
Still adjusting with 'single' life but I think I'll adjust well.

Friday 2 June 2017

Summer time

Ello homosapiens ;) 

I've been busy these few months, now it's finally time to chill. 

Week 1 of April was SU campaign week. Sibeh hectic lol no more.  This year's competition was really tough as there were 3 teams running. Our opponents were strong, I didn't think we stand a chance especially for the popularity votes. My team started preparing last year before winter break and we went through some difficult situations where we had to change our members, twice. Everything's paid off when we won lol too bad I wasn't there when they announced, I was in Limerick for badminton intervarsity (week 2). Literally tears of joy when I saw my messenger haha. Losing in semifinals didn't matter anymore ;)

Week 3 there's a 30% quiz, which I clearly didn't prepare enough due to the distractions I've had for the past few weeks (excuses).  Spent the next 2 weeks studying/cursing/dreading for finals. If I don't pass this time, I'll still be around during summer for resit (lol positivity at its best). 加上考试期间收到学校电邮说其他两组投诉我们搞到要找职员调查到底要怎么专心读书嘛。有了权力政治就无所不在啊还以为医学院的学生都慈悲为怀看来我想太多。

Started travelling 2 days after exam to Venice, Rome & Croatia. Venice is a romantic city, love the buildings, love the food. In Rome, the people I've met were mostly rude. Had to watch out for pickpocket 24/7, even the train ticket machine warned you abt it. Vatican city was DA BOOM. The crowd was unbelievable, thank God we bought the skip-line ticket + guide. SO. WORTH. IT. I sibeh gandong when I saw Michael Angelo's painting in Sistine Chapel (had to bear with people mountain people sea but the place's just beautiful). Flew to Croatia for 9 days after Rome, spent 2 nights in Plitvice Park. It reminds me of SAB camping days :) After that we went island hopping in a private yacht with only 8 of us + skipper. It was fun at the beginning but every island looked the same lol, I realised how much I miss Dublin after spending few days on the yacht. 

ZH waited for me at the airport and I couldn't be more pleased :3 It's been roughly a month since we last met due to our schedules etc but he'll be with me till he flies back on 9th June. Summer research is starting next week, can't wait for the allowance to cover up my travel expenses lol. 

I'll be back in August, see y'all then :)

Sunday 30 April 2017







那如拖斯篮当 上

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Ending Scene


Tuesday 18 April 2017



Wednesday 15 March 2017


不舍得了这么多年。。。TMD终于看完KAICHO WA MAID SAMA了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 (本小姐属于超级兴奋状态中,请参考Form 2 看完灌篮高手后的我)冯阿啊啊啊啊啊啊T.T


目前为止Last Game 稳稳排第二,忍了酱久果然值得啊啊啊。这是少女漫的第一名啊啊啊啊第一名!!!!! 

感动,超感动的 T.T 


怎么办,有点空虚。。。不过想好好发泄啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 USUI 帅爆帅爆完美的男人果然只出现在二次元啊啊啊啊!!!


冷静。。。 T.T

Monday 20 February 2017


Wasn't in my best mood these days. Shit happens.

I'm just really glad that you're here by my side. Being a good listener who sometimes gives shitty suggestions, cheering me up in the most annoying way possible etc

Thank you for everything.


Monday 23 January 2017

爱 因为在心中


新学期第一个星期就这样过去了,好累啊。这学期我们称为 IC1 (intermediate cycle 1), 之前的三个学期叫JC (junior cycle 1,2,3)。现在换地方上课,在beaumont hospital。。。他妈的为什么这么远。每天早上至少要一个小时的路程,来回就两个小时,回到家就什么都不想动了。最近都很早起身,因为需要走路去巴士站搭巴士,还要预算全部人去工作的塞车时间。还好我那站没那么多学生,每次一到下一站整个巴士就装满了RCSI的学生,有时候人太多司机就不让他们上车了科科。

今年的老师都非常好,可能是还有在医院做工的原因?总之和之前的老师差太远了。上的课也比较clinical relevant,我很喜欢。课堂次数还好,一天大概三~四堂课。虽然不多,要读的东西却多得很。第一个礼拜大家已经在拼了,好可怕。那天成绩出,JC3 过关了yay。之前都是靠MCQ 拿分,我的short notes惨不忍睹,这学期大部分都是写的啦啊啊怎么办。

哦对,十个senior里,十个都叫我一定要自己带食物去beaumont,  所以我从第一天开始就自带食物。应该没那么恶心吧,找一天来试试canteen食物到底有多么难吃。听朋友说他们吃过public cafe,不是人吃的,一些吃过staff canteen 的有些说还可以,有些说超难吃, 可能看他们煮什么。

放学的话医院外的巴士站就是学生的天下,排长龙啊超讨厌。每次都是空巴士来,一到我们这站就满了,已经变成school bus哈哈。爸妈问我为什么不去beaumont住。。。爹,娘,那里除了住宅区,我啥也没看到。。。我还年轻,不想这么快过退休生活啊。

很想念学校的coffee doc,我和朋友们每次读书的地方。现在只有星期五能去,我们拜五没课,除非有group tutorial。医院由于有大众的关系,衣着方面要得体,我的track pants和宽松衣服的日子T.T 唉。。。

只能说,每天回到家,煮了第二天的午餐,冲了凉后就没力气了。 希望这学期能把书读好。得拼了。加油!

Saturday 14 January 2017


和家人的分别虽然不是第一次了,但离别时间一到还是会很好笑地一起哭 (转个身几分钟后就没事了哈哈哈哈哈哈)

回到Dublin的这四天智浩都在陪我,谢谢啦,有你在我很开心 X)


神啊神,恭喜你要去韩国啦啊啊啊! (快点逼boss交出机票来 XD)
说真的自从有了成敏后你开朗了不少(也漂亮了很多),是好事。刚开始因为表姐遭遇的原因我对韩国男生有点偏见,不过这么久了,也觉得他一定是个很不错的人。有他在,你很幸福 ,这就够了:)

话说,去韩国工作还是要小心,毕竟是女生。第一次离家这么久(不包括plkn), 会想家吧。希望你在那儿会有很谈得来的伙伴(成敏除外),亲切的同事,还有大方的老板。反正如有什么牢骚就写在部落格吧哈哈。
