Saturday 31 August 2013


  I've abandoned this page for ages lol not that kuazhang la but still -.- Ok let me update abt my college life ba, I think my Mac's gonna rust since I seldom touch it. Poor thing, forever alone sigh. 

  Soooo, where should I start...hmmmmm. Oh nvm here it goes: I love my class SN14C, I lagi love my classmates XD hahah they're all nice, had lotsa fun filming advertisements with them for group presentation, sem exam just fin on tues, got back all my Science paper, unexpectedly scored highest for Physics among the 3 subjects (I really thought I'd fail lol), get to maintain my scholarship whooohooo, want to play badminton badly, drive to college by myself, Chemistry Mr Siva taught so fast T.T, can't wait for them to organize singapore trip etc etc etc.

I feel sho sleepy now idky I got tired easily nowadays. Forgive my messed up post coz I'm in a blur state. Oh ya Shiern came over today =D and what else ah,,,merdeka!

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