Sunday 5 May 2013

Forever JKM

  I've never regretted knowing this bunch of friends =) I had lotsa memories with them, more than I thought when I looked back those photos. They played a major role in my school life...and now, they've become part of my life. During all these years, of course we had arguments, we faced problems,  we emo etc, but much to my satisfaction, our friendship stayed strong, and even stronger.

 The 1st farewell was for Timmy and it wasn't the last one. Since all of us had graduated, we started to choose our own path which lead us to different future. We used to meet almost everyday, then once a couple of weeks, followed by months, and finally...years. 

  Some of us wanted to study abroad, and some preferred to stay. We will be separated, it's just a matter of time. Lol, kinda hard to believe the day when we scattered around the world. 

  Don't really know how to express my feelings, so yeah, all of you take care, go ahead and pursue your dreams, never give up easily in life, keep in, because you sakais and sohpohs meant alot to me, do have a great future and live a happy life =)

Thank you, all of you =)

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