Saturday 17 November 2012

16 Nov

  First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIMMY =D I know you saw our 'cards' for ya, too bad you couldn't see it in details, some words are just too small and blur when we took the pic =/
Haha, anyway, all the best in the 'Malaysian cultural night' thingy. Go get some sleep after that ._. Good to see you enjoying your life there =) Lol, the props are nice, biasala, tim hor? =P Haha, make sure u cut your hair when you're back in Malaysia next year, oh and don't ever change your mind zzz we were super happy bcoz we don't have to wait for 4 years lol so please don't ruin our joy tq. 17 dy loh, stay sweet with kexin ;) Pink poodle is gonna be back next year. XD V.I.P hwaiting! Sengil Chuka Hamnida tim-shii. Take care. ^^

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