Monday 29 October 2012

Big Bang Concert

  I have no time to write in details, just make this short =P


  G Dragon, T.O.P, Taeyang, Seungri, Daesung... Thank you so much for that 2 and a half hours with us=) You guys cheered me up lol.  I will never forget that moment when all of you were at a reachable distance.

  One of the best song you guys sang that night was Haru Haru. =') Never thought it would be so touching. When we were singing along, whoever  praised us with the word 'beautiful' (I think it was gd), thank you, that one particular word melted my heart =) 

  Waited for 6 hours just to get the ticket, waited few months for this special day to come, waited since 3p.m. outside Stadium Merdeka even though the concert started at 8p.m. , waited 5 of you to appear on the stage although it was raining... Thank God, you guys worth my wait. 

  Next time i'm going to buy myself the V.I.P ticket. I don't care if I have to camp overnight or whatsoever because I know that brief moment with you all lasts a life time. 

  5 members = 5 birthdays. One year = 365 days. That day was T.O.P's birthday =) Bingoo top, happy belated bday =D Malaysia's fan was lucky lol, the probabilty for one of the member's bday and their concert to occur together is 5/365 = 1/73 = 0.0137 XD Lucky us

  I'll never forget my 1st concert. Big Bang, Kamsahamida =)

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