Saturday 15 October 2011

Once a Sabian, Always a Sabian

Yesterday was Mr.Tan's last day in SAB. T.T His farewell event was very grand...and sad. Mr Muru was standing on the stage, singing with all the other discipline teachers, when one of the teacher passed him the mic, he shook his head and walked away. We were shocked at first, but when we saw him wiping his tears, everything was crystal clear. He is always serious and stern, except for that day, he cried, for his best partner all these years. =') Take care Mr Tan. Stay healthy and happy=)

So...this morning was graduation day. I wasn't there because I don't have to duty. Wish all the Form 5s and Form 6s ALL THE BEST IN THEIR LIFE. I am gonna miss the seniors, especially S.P.M LOL, hope to see their wonderful performance in the future. Next year, we will be the one saying bye bye to each other, but still come to school after graduation day until the last day of SPM.==

=) Once A Sabian, Always A Sabian.

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